The upcoming Variety Show at Joliet West will premiere on November 7, 2012. This show consists of 16 different acts performed by groups such as Artists Without Limits (AWOL), The Step Team, and some solo performances. There will be over 30 students that perform in the show and even some faculty members.
People who attend can expect to see many musical performances, dances, and even a drum solo. Sponsors, Mrs. Barker and Ms. Hipp, have expressed great gratitude about the cast and progress they have made.
“I think the show will have something that everyone can enjoy,” says Mrs. Barker.“They will be amazed by the talent and be glad they took the time to attend the show. I hope that everyone will walk away from the show as impressed with the students as I have been while working with them.”
Ms. Hipp has conveyed her admiration on the effort all the students have put into this show.
“I’m absolutely amazed at how talented the students at Joliet West are,” she says.“I’m hoping that audiences leave in awe and appreciate their effort. The kids have worked so hard and dedicated so much to the show.”
Last year’s show greeted the audience to an invigorating night of entertainment with laughs, extraordinary performances, intricate dance moves, and memorable moments. This year’s cast will try to do their best to give us another unforgettable show.
“Honestly I believe this show has a lot of talented people and anyone who comes to watch it will really enjoy it,” says senior Kevin Anderson, who’s making his third appearance in the show.
This show has been brought together by Mrs. Barker, Ms. Hipp, and stage manager, senior Michelle Luna. All of them have put a lot of effort and time into it and have high hopes for the show.
“Everyone has been working really hard and I think it’s going to be a great show because everybody is just so talented and good at what they do,” says Luna. “But overall they have so much fun.”
The money made for this show will go towards scholarships sponsored by The Academy of Arts and Communications. All donations are welcomed as this will help many seniors. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are available at arrival at six. The tickets are $3 for Joliet West students with their ID and $5 for every adult. Any child under 10 years old gets in for free.