Tiger Pride Rejuvenated
October 9, 2014
Who says Joliet West has no spirit? No one should with the way a group of students have transformed the atmosphere at Tiger sporting events. Joliet West has always been thought of by students and rival schools as a school that does not have much school spirit, if any. At the start of the Tiger football season, a group of students set out to renew Joliet West’s Tiger Pride. Griffin McGuire and Tom Carney are two of those students. When asked why they were so determined to bring this type of atmosphere to Tiger sports, they agreed on one thing. They were tired of seeing other schools with so much pride knowing their own school lacked it, and they both wanted be able to lead their fellow students in a Tiger student section. “Amazing” is the word Carney used when asked what it is like being the leader of our student section at football games, “I love getting everyone hyped as well as communicating with the team and getting them hyped during our games.” McGuire loves every second of it also, “There is nothing better than being able to lead the student section, and I just love seeing everyone get hyped.” Prior to each sporting event, a school theme is decided on the @JtWestSports twitter account, then is followed by students who sit in the designated student sections, then the section is led by individuals in doing chants. The atmosphere is great, but is it beneficial to the team itself? The leaders believe so. “I believe it affects the play a lot, I’ve been told by coaches they believe it does also,” said McGuire. “As a basketball player, I know how much the atmosphere helps an athlete, and I believe it helps the football team’s play.” Joliet West cornerback Nick Christopher had an opinion on the new student section as well. “It’s exciting to see all of the students come together and show what school pride should look like. Being on the field and looking up to the bleachers full of my friends and classmates supporting us is probably one of the greatest feelings as an athlete.” “Invite friends, fill up bleachers, and go along with themes. You got to be willing to be crazy & outgoing”, were Carney’s words of advice on how to keep the pride going at West sports events. Don’t lose faith in this school’s up rise of school spirit, as the Tiger faithful plan on keeping this up as long as everyone can. Tiger pride is not just a hash tag or slogan anymore, it is a lifestyle.