West students show their green thumb
May 14, 2015

JWHS Gardening Club located outside of the H building foyer
We have all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers”. Although it is true that nature is blossoming with flowers, many individuals plant them too. At this day and age, the youth may find gardening to be tedious or unpopular. But at Joliet West, gardening club is anything but dull.
Gardening club was founded in 2012 to promote an interest in agriculture. Its five founding members are Rebecca Greskoviak, Lydia Pelzer, Jailene Leyva, Dora Richardson and Tevin Cruz. Carol Collins (District Sponsor) and Karen Campolattara are two of the many sponsors for gardening club.
Junior Joseph Hein is one of the newest gardening club members. In a recent interview Hein stated, “I love being able to give back to my community…because we grow food and give back to our teachers. Plus, I think in a consumer society it’s good to know how to provide your own sustenance.” Hein thoroughly enjoys being a part of the gardening club and looks forward to future meetings.
Not only is gardening club a great opportunity for community service, but it is also a fun way to learn about agriculture. The University of Illinois-Extension has its members visit gardening club meetings. Students are then taught how to properly plant, nurture and harvest crops. The produce reaped is donated to local food pantries.
Junior Katherine Turek has been a member for two years. This year she has been promoted to an officer. “I think more students should join because it is a great experience and it is something you can use for the rest of your life”, said Turek. She believes that gardening club is a perfect way to relax and learn new skills.
Mrs. Campolattara actively participates in gardening club. In a recent interview she explained, “I really enjoy getting to know the students who are involved in gardening club and I look forward to this club growing at West in the future.” She is always welcoming newcomers.
If you are interested in joining gardening club, come to the next meeting on May 14th from 3:20 to 4:15pm in room B235. Any questions will gladly be answered by Carol Collins or Karen Campolattara.