Tips for freshmen from upper-classmen
September 14, 2018
Leaving middle school and coming into high school can be intimidating for any student. There are a lot of new faces and a huge building to work yourself around. Here are a few tips on how to make your freshman year go by smoothly.
Walk quickly in the halls. You only have five minutes to get from class to class, and everyone around you is probably in a rush as much as you are.
Be nice to the security guards. They are looking out for you and you don’t want to upset them. They just want everyone to be as safe as possible.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your teachers are there for a reason, and the last thing any of them want is for you to struggle through one of your classes because you’re afraid to ask for help.
Stick with people who make you the best version of yourself. You will end up losing some friends, but in the end the people who you leave high school with are your true friends. Your friends will make or break you, so pick the right ones.
Get involved! The best way to make new friends is to find a club, activity or sport you like at Joliet West and join it. People end up meeting their best friends by getting involved so don’t wait until senior year.
Participate and show school spirit! Go to all the dances. Homecoming and Black & White are going to be some of the best nights of your freshman year. Dress up for spirit weeks, and go to as many home sports games as you can. Make the most of your high school experience.
Do your homework. You won’t be the cool kid if you aren’t doing your homework. You’re going to be the kid who can’t play in the game that day because they have too many missing assignments. Trust upperclassmen on this, it will help you for the four years.
Take each day as it comes. Not every day is going to be perfect, and learning to deal with your bad days will make you a stronger person. This year will throw curveballs at you, but bouncing back and growing with them will help you succeed this year.