Changes come to West for 2014-2015 school year
August 29, 2014

The new school year came with many changes including new lunches, new buses, no more G building entrance, and all students received laptops. There may not be a significant changes or even enough chances in some people’s eyes; however, they certainly are enough to make a difference in the 2014-2015 school year.
Joliet West studentshave received a laptop. In 2012 only freshmen received laptops, and last year only the sophomore and freshmen received laptops. Now this year all students have the privilege to have them. This is a huge accomplishment for Joliet West.
Another thing that is a huge change is the new buses that we have been given. These buses are a little smaller but they are much safer with the fact of having more emergency windows. Also on these new buses they have new and improved cameras and audio. This will also help with the hazing and bullying on the buses.
‘Hello my Friend’ is now a two way traffic alley. The new change in ‘Hello my Friend’ has helped alleviate most of the traffic on Glenwood Avenue. Also this means that there will be less late buses in the mornings. This makes the traffic around the building decrease. Many students and teachers have agreed that getting into the building has been much easier and this is a positive change.
The biggest and the newest thing here is the school lunches and the new way the lunch room is run. Cash is no longer allowedin the lunch room. Prepaid lunch accounts on the student’s IDs are how student now buy their lunches. Also, due to the congestion of the B building, the lunch room is letting students out a minute earlier to help the congested hallway.
“The last thing we can afford to do right now is to play politics without kid’s health”, Stated Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama has made a stand for all schools to have health lunches. Meaning no more white bread, fried foods, cookies, or surgery drinks like Gatorade. This will hopefully promote healthy choices and help put a stop to childhood obesity. Students throughout the school are not happy with this change in the lunches. “The new lunches taste like dog food and I hate it. I wish we would buy whatever we want”. Stated sophomore Richey Hernandez. Many other students feel the same way.