Revamping the newsroom
September 4, 2014
Out with the old and in with the new, it’s time for change for the Joliet Township High School newsroom centers! During this year, both the Tiger News Network and Steelmen News Network newsroom centers will be completely revamped with new technology and furniture.
It’s been about twelve years since the newsroom centers have been updated. Due to this, the technology is very outdated. But luckily thanks to Wendy Davis, Network & Media Manager of Joliet Township, the centers will be updated with brand new equipment. The new equipment will be used to aid both school news crews in their efforts to give the student body updates about upcoming school events and activities. Some of the items include cameras, lighting, software, desks, and a newly established sound board. In addition to the centers receiving new materials, both West and Central’s news technician crews will be trained on how to use the up-to-date technology.
Many people are ecstatic and have mixed emotions about the newsroom centers being updated. “I think that the remodeling of our newsrooms will have a tremendous impact on our students who are going to enter the field of journalism or media production because they will have experience using the most up-to-date technology. Students who are not going into those fields will also benefit because they will be developing other skills that are so highly valued in education and the job market. This will be an incredible investment in our student body for many years to come,” said Mr. Oswald, the Tiger News Network sponsor for Joliet West.
It is anticipated that there will be a few challenges in getting everything and everyone accommodated with the new changes. But with the cooperation of both school’s technician crews and news anchors, everything will likely fall into place. The exact date of the renovations is still to be announced.