One of West baseball’s biggest out of conference rivalries is the private school down the street. JCA has always had a good sports program and has challenged West in baseball for many years. The Varsity Tigers have been getting close to a win against them but have recently been unable to pull one off. The Tigers have come to know that this game is a tradition and the cold weather is a part of it. West was scheduled to play JCA on March 24, and the Tigers were planning on a win that would further boost the teams growing confidence. This mush anticipated game between the rivals was cancelled due to high winds and cold weather. Matt Branchaw, a junior, has played on the team for that last two years and has played in colder weather than that day and said, “Why should we stop now?” Because of this game being a non-conference game, and having little significance, the chance of it being rescheduled is slim to none. The Tigers will have to wait until next year to play JCA. Most of the team cannot wait until next season to make a statement; they want to play now, whenever and wherever.
Other than one of their major games being canceled, the team has had a great season with a couple of major wins and a couple of major stumbles. Mike Grindstaff, a senior transfer from Lockport, has played a major role in some of the team’s short term success. Although the whole team cannot be placed on the shoulders of a few key players, the team’s pitching has been great early in the season. The coaches have said very few negatives about the pitching but have said that the hitting and defense has lacked at points during the season, while carrying the team at other points. Trae Martin, senior, has led the team with hits and runs batted in and was recently voted player of the week. With an overall record of 7-3-1, the team just started their conference games and hopes to continue with their hot run. As the Tigers continue to follow their motto of “Fear Nothing,” they are slowly becoming the ones that are feared.