Only a week into the New Year and Lady Gaga is already planning on naming 2013 as her year with the release of her new album, a worldwide tour, and several other projects.
The “Born This Way” songstress’ newest album, ARTPOP is set for an early 2013 release. The upcoming album from Lady Gaga has been announced to be released as two volumes. Gaga proclaimed in early December that she had already written more than 50 songs for this album. On, her fan base’s own website, Gaga chatted with a few fans telling them, “I have written like 50 songs, I don’t know what will rise to the top but that is how I wrote ‘The Fame’ and ‘The Fame Monster.’” Both of which are two of the top selling digital albums ever sold.
Along with the album, a digital application for smartphones will coincide with the release of the hardcopy. The application would include the album, along with interactive chats, films for every song, extra music, content, Gaga inspired games, fashion updates, and a magazine. On she stated, “I believe that applications are the future of music as the way to sell albums.” Gaga restated that the album would be available in both hard and electronic copy.
Gaga released a medley of collaborative tracks in the latter half of 2012. Tracks like “Princess Die”, “Cake like Lady Gaga”, “Stache”, “Partynauseous” with Kendrick Lamar and “Ratchet” and “Red Flame” with Azealia Banks are all being considered for either volume of ARTPOP. Other titles have been leaked, such as “Tea”, “Burqa”, “G.U.Y”, and “The Applause”.
Lady Gaga is said to have worked with several young and experimental producers and artists on ARTPOP. The album is reported to have a very futuristic sound. When asked what one word to describe ARTPOP was, many of the known producers answered, “2013.” Gaga’s passed albums have been very pop, disco, and glam driven.
Production has taken place mainly in Chicago and New York, beginning in early 2012. The first single off of ARTPOP is set for a February or March release date with the first volume of the album coming the following spring.