As the winter formal black and white approaches many students are saving up for their outfits, shoes and tickets. However, outstanding school fees stop students from attending school dances.
Though no written details are found in the district planner, students with fees on their account will be denied purchasing a ticket for the dance. These miscellaneous dues include activity fees, missing I.D charges, lost books and tuition fees.
There are many varying opinions from the student body on this issue. When asked if they think students should be allowed to attend the dance even if they have school fees, multiple answers were given.
“I think that student should be allowed to go to the dance. Most of the time it is not the students fault if they have outrageous fees. They should still be allowed to have fun with their friends,” says Nick Schuen. Students who gave answers similar to Schuen’s all agreed that students should not be penalized for school fees. “If anything the administration should let the students attend. It will bring more money in for the school,” adds Schuen.
Upperclassman Jarrale Daniels was unable to attend this years’ homecoming dance due to unpaid fees. “I was denied access because of an activity fee from football. I am sure I’m not the only one who has gone through this. It makes students feel like they’re not good enough to attend,” says Daniels.
Other students think differently on this issue. They believe that students who cannot pay should not be allowed to attend. “If students can afford going to the dance, they can afford to pay off their school fees,” says sophomore Melissa Aharrah.
Student Haylie Clement sees the administration’s motive behind the rule. “By not allowing students to get into the dance, it gives them a reason to catch up on their fees,” says Clement.
When asked a second question about the school fees, all students agreed that if the dues are extremely high then the student should not be allowed. But being denied access to a dance over small fines is unfair to the student body. While the rule is still in effect, check your student account at the book store before it is too late to purchase your ticket.